Noreen Roche Consultants
Assessments for clients who have sustained catastrophic injuries (inclusive but not limited to): Cerebral Palsy, Erbs Palsy, Spinal injuries, Acquired Brian Injuries, Orthopaedic, Palliative Care.
Providing a nationwide service completing person-centred assessments within the home environment, hospital, or care settings.
Ergonomic & risk assessment of the home and prospective accommodation environments inclusive of recommendations/referrals to the relevant expert professionals.
Advice and recommendations on the structure and management for community care models which are in compliance with current case law, are in compliance with case precedent and Irish Law, Revenue, NERA (National Employment Regulation Authority), and HSA (Health & Safety Authority).
To clients and professionals on care models and their costs, in compliance with Irish Legislation.
Reviewing medical reports, case notes, and statements; in addition to researching the client’s relevant injuries, deficits, diagnoses, and prognosis.
Person centred Appraisal:
Sourcing of placements for clients with specific injuries such as Acquired Brain Injuries – from mild/vulnerable to complex behavioural difficulties or physical disabilities – ranging from limited to severely compromised mobility.
Analysis of client’s requirements for costing of the following:
Care Models;
Appropriate placements;
Domestic Assistance;
Palliative Care;
Orthopaedic (incorporating nursing & ergonomic aspects);
Loss of services due to fatal event (or otherwise).
Following interview and assessment with the client and/or next of kin and/or the multi-disciplinary team and adherence to the relevant discharge plan, the provision of:
- Assistance and advice to clients and next of kin prior to transfer from hospital/rehabilitation centre to appropriate alternative placements/accommodation.